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Data Room

A brief guide to what you’ll see.

In this section of the Data Room, you're entering the core of HippoBuild's financial landscape. The accompanying Excel lays out the tangible results of our strategies and operations. It is structured to provide clarity on our financial journey, broken down into critical components that reflect our business's health and growth potential.

What You'll Discover:

The Excel is divided into distinct sections, each serving as a pillar to our financial narrative:

Should questions or comments arise as you peruse our financials, we encourage an open dialogue. Don't hesitate to reach out for deeper insights or clarifications. Our commitment to transparency is unwavering, and we are here to provide the answers you need to make informed decisions.



Download the excel file here.

Hippo Use of Funds Seed 2023_v5_FMV (1).xlsx

A bit of anlysis


Average Cost of Sales (Average over past 3 months)

Total during 3 Cost of Sales = $21,158

Total new active buyers = 12

CAC = $1,763.2


Our Average Monthly ARPU (Average over past 3 months)

ARPU = $291.2

Average monthly churn = 11%

LTV = $2,613.9